Planning and Zoning Commission

June 2020 City Zoning Map

The Planning & Zoning Board is responsible for interpreting and administering the Subdivision Ordinance, the Zoning Ordinance, and the Historic Preservation District Ordinance.  The Planning and Zoning Commission meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. at City Hall, 101 Old Plantersville Road, Montgomery.

Information regarding the development process, subdivision platting, and engineering design guidelines can be found on the Planning &  Development Page.

Terms of Office and Positions:

The terms of three of the members shall expire on October 1 of each odd-numbered year and the terms of two members shall expire on October 1 of each even-numbered year.  The members of the commission shall be identified by place numbers one through five. The  odd-numbered places shall expire in the odd-numbered years; and the even-numbered  places shall expire in the even-numbered years.  Commission members may be appointed to succeed themselves.  Vacancies shall be filled for unexpired terms, but no member shall  be appointed for a term in excess of two years.  Newly-appointed members shall be installed  at the first regular commission meeting after their appointment.

The following is a listing of the current Planning and Zoning Commission members, terms and positions: