Request a Police Report

***Please Note: This is ONLY request a report that's already been filed, NOT where you file a police report or report a concern you have about traffic or code enforcement! Please go to the correct form to do either or call the non emergency line at 936-538-5900. Completing this form for anything other than requesting information will result in a delay in the processing of your submission. You will be directed to the correct form to complete and asked to fill it out.***

The Montgomery Police Department provides copies of Accident Reports, Incident Reports, and Offense Reports for $6.00 to individuals who request a copy in writing. Accepted forms of payment are: cash (exact change only), money order, or cashier's check. The records clerk will contact you should more time be needed to complete your request.

For records other than reports, including but not limited to: videos, personnel records, pictures, etc., a cost estimate will be sent, if needed.

Please Note: An unredacted report is only available to those persons (or the legal guardian of a person) involved in the incident/accident, persons with a financial interest in the incident/accident (insurance companies and their underwriters, employers, property owners, etc.) and members of the media. If you do not fall in any category, you will receive a redacted report.

To request police records, fill out the online form at the following website:

Montgomery, Texas JustFOIA Requests

Using this site, you will have the ability to track your request status as well as download your documents once they're released!