Take Me Home Program
The Take Me Home Program is a FREE service available for all residents of the City of Montgomery and its ETJ, for adults and children who may have difficulty communicating due to a developmental or cognitive disability. Individuals may only be enrolled by a person who is legally responsible for them.
The database is maintained by the Montgomery Police Department. It is only accessible to law enforcement personnel and may include a photograph, disability information, physical description and emergency contact information.
If a person in the Take Me Home Program is encountered by a Montgomery police officer, officers can access the database and quickly retrieve critical information that can help in communicating with the individual and a safe return to the caregiver.
Who can enroll?
Any adult OR child who may have difficulty communicating due to a developmental or cognitive disability who is a resident of the City of Montgomery and its ETJ.
These individuals tend to be a risk for wandering and include disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dementia, Down Syndrome etc.
For questions about residential eligibility or program enrollment, please contact Lt. Belmares at 936-597-3604 or email jbelmares@ci.montgomery.tx.us.
Enrollment Forms must received in person or by mail.