Board of Adjustment - Position Open - Vacancy
City Council announces an opportunity for those interested in City planning and growth activities in the City of Montgomery to apply for a vacant position on the Board of Adjustment. Applicants are required to live inside the City limits.
Board members act on behalf of the City hearing and deciding on requested zoning variances submitted by property owners. The Board decides on issues such as parking requirements, yard setback requirements and other aspects involving zoning variances requested. The Board is a quasi-judicial body with appeals to their decision going to District Court, not the City Council.
The Board meets on an as need basis. The Board usually meets at 3:00 p.m. at City Hall in Montgomery. Service on this Board is unpaid. Applications can be found on the website, go to the “City Government” tab and then click on Boards and Commissions, you will find the Membership Application. Please forward the completed application to the City Secretary Susan Hensley at shensley@ci.montgomery or bring to City Hall at 101 Old Plantersville Road. Applications are due no later than 4 p.m. on September 18, 2019.