Municipal Court
Welcome to The City of Montgomery Municipal Court
The Municipal Court is the judicial branch of the government of the City of Montgomery. It is committed to administering justice in a fair, efficient, and timely manner. Court services are increasingly available online, by telephone, email, and through the mail which contributes to compliance in a customer service and Eco-friendly way.
Important Information
NO Personal Checks- ONLY Cashier's Check or Money Order Payable to "City of Montgomery" or your payment will be returned
We are NOT Montgomery County. Please click here for Justice of the Peace Precincts or Call 936-538-5900.
Notice: Nothing contained on this site is intended as legal advice. You may wish to consult an attorney before deciding which option is appropriate for you.
- The Municipal Court has jurisdiction over class C misdemeanors, which are punishable by fine only; offenses occurring within the city limits that are violations of city ordinances or violations of a state statute.
- The Montgomery Municipal Court does not provide or give legal advice.
- You have the right to appear in court and contest the charge filed against you and you have the right to a jury trial.
- If you decide to appear in person, your appearance should not be made before 5 business days after receiving your citation as this allows the Court time to process the citation and make it available when you appear at the Court.
- Anyone under 17 years of age must appear in person before the Judge and must be accompanied by his or her parent or legal guardian.
- Anyone under 21 years of age, but over 17 years of age, that is charged with an alcohol offense must appear in person before the Judge.
- A telephone call does not constitute an appearance and continuances are not granted by telephone.
- Convictions for moving violations are reported to the Texas Department of Public Safety.
- If you do not appear in court or make payment on or before the court date on your citation, an additional charge of failing to appear may be filed against you and a warrant will be issued for your arrest.
- If you need to change your contact information with the court, please notify the court via phone call, fax or e-mail.
Attorneys: Effective September 1, 2019- Please send "LOR" Letter of Representation to the Court's email subject line needs to be your clients Name-
You have the right to request from the State (prosecutor) all documents, items, and information regarding your case that is in the possession of the State; and, the State is required to provide you with the documents, items and information requested.
Mission Statement
The mission of the City of Montgomery Municipal Court is to efficiently process and administer all matters coming into and before the Municipal Court. The Municipal Court strives to promote a high level of public confidence and fairness through efficient and courteous public service that reflects well on the employees of the Court and on the City of Montgomery.
Kimberly Duckett, Municipal Court Administrator
Christy Reed, Deputy Court Clerk
Penny Olbrych, Court Clerk
Judge Robert Rosenquist
Associate Judge Jermey Finch