MEDC Docs and Forms

Demographics and Retail Trade Reports

Downtown Improvement Grant

Downtown Improvement Grant Application Form

Festival Grant Guidelines

Festival Grant Application Form


Downtown Design Master Plan

In 2021, the MEDC funded a design project for Historic Downtown.  A PDF of the document, adopted by both the MEDC and the City Council, can be found at the bottom of this page.

MEDC Downtown Improvement Grant

The City of Montgomery is embarking on a multi-year project to upgrade the functionality and appearance of its historic downtown area. The MEDC will be supporting this effort through Downtown Improvement Grants which focus on infrastructure improvements and capital investments. 

Grant applications should be submitted to MEDC 30 days prior to the meeting where they will be considered to allow time for review and processing.  The MEDC meets on the third Tuesday of the month.

Click Here for the Downtown Improvement Grant Application Form

MEDC Festival Guidelines

The MEDC festival grant program is designed to encourage organizations to bring new festivals and events to the city or to substantially improve existing ones.

To qualify for the festival grant program, the festival or event must meet the following guidelines:

  • A new application must be submitted each year, with a maximum of 3 years of funding for the same festival.
  • Application information is to include: project summary, grant request, use of funds, target audience and public benefit, expected number of visitors, advertising budget and plan, required city resources and any additional funding sources.
  • Festivals must be free admission events.
  • All marketing material for festivals must include City of Montgomery logo and grantees must distribute Montgomery brochures at their event.
  • Grants will not be used for fundraising events, prize money or scholarships.


Click Here for the Festival Grant Application Form


Primary Trade Area
Find demographic information on Montgomery's Primary Trade Area below. This information is summarized from a report completed by The Retail Coach® for MEDC.
2018 Retail Trade Area Snapshot

Montgomery City Limits
The following link is a full demographic study conducted by The Retail Coach® for the City Limits of Montgomery, TX.
2018 Montgomery, TX Demographic Report

The Retail Coach® Study - Demographics
The Retail Coach® has completed a detailed study of Montgomery's primary retail trade area based on a license plate study inside the city. The demographics for the Primary RTA (including a Retail Opportunities Analysis) are found below:
Montgomery Primary RTA Report - 2018 + Retail Opportunities Analysis

The Retail Coach® Study - Psychographics
The Psychographic study for Montgomery completed by The Retail Coach® in 2016 gives character, purchasing, and interest characteristics of the population in the Montgomery Primary RTA.
Montgomery Psychographics Report