Memory Park
Memory Park is the Rotary Club of Lake Conroe's signature project, a thriving and important part of our community. See details about the park's history and projects by reading through the site pages on the left sidebar of this page. Visit Memory Park, behind the Charles B. Stewart Library in Montgomery, to see this beautiful spot.
How Do I Get Involved
You may purchase a Paver in Memory Park!
For more information contact Janet Milleson at 936-443-4084 or
For Private Reservations, please call 936-597-3275 or fill out the City Park Reservation Request under Supporting Documents and email to
How to Donate to Memory Park
All donations for Memory Park should be made payable to
- The Rotary Club of Lake Conroe Foundation
- A 501(C) 3 Charitable Organization
- P O BOX 1252
The Story Walk Project
In July 2017, The Rotary Club of Lake Conroe has completed a new area in our signature project - Memory Park. The StoryWalk project is an area of the park where children are welcome to walk a path to read a storybook. Each sign is a page of a storybook. This project is partnered with the Friends of the C.B. Stewart West Brand Library and Rotary District 5890. A new story book is changed out several times a year. The new children’s StoryWalk was completed by Rotarians Don Carter, Wally Lockey, and Charlie Parada. This is a very nice addition for children of all ages to come out and walk the area and enjoy reading a book. This project is another joint effort of "Rotarians helping Rotarians"
The Construction of Memory Park: How the Dream Began
In early 2006, The Rotary Club of Lake Conroe held its regular weekly breakfast meeting at the then new Charles B Stewart/West Branch Library in Montgomery. The occasion was a special one. The plan for a long awaited project was unveiled – a park on the property at the northern end of the library. In 2004, RCLC had planned to assist the library with landscaping as part of their Rotary Centennial Project. When the construction of the library was delayed, the club did landscaping work at Cedar Brake Park instead. That proved to be a wonderful project, but the dream lived on in the hearts of club members, and in the fall of 2005 angels appeared. Club member Don Carter made a generous donation to the RCLC Foundation in memory of his late wife Shane, providing the seed money to begin the project; Philip and Holly LeFevre donated the land for the project. After clearing the project with County Commissioner Mike Meador and bringing Parks Director Corliss O’Shaughnessy on board, the planning began in earnest. The result was The Memory Park Project.
Landscape Architect Peter Wakefield, well known for his innovative designs, presented the club with a detailed plan of the park, which has been created in stages beginning in the summer of 2006. The initial plan was to "fill the area with native and naturalized Texas plantings, a walking trail around the pond, rest and exercise areas, and much more. “Shane’s Garden”, a fragrant rose garden, will be located at the entrance to the park. " Memory Park is that, and so much more now.
While this park is a Rotary INITIATIVE, the objective has always been to create a community PROJECT with other service clubs, church groups, and civic and school groups sharing in the excitement of building this park for our community. There are still many ways for groups to participate, from helping with community work days to sponsoring an area of the park.
How The Park Was Named
In October of 2005, when this journey began, in committee we called this project "The Memory Garden". As it grew, the working name became "Memory Park". Many people in the community submitted thoughtful suggestions for the permanent name. All were reviewed, but the major donors were all in consensus that the park should not be named for any one person or group, but rather areas of the park would be named for honorees. Over time, the simple Memory Park just seemed to be the right choice. Several people submitted Memory Park as their name of choice, and we will honor them with pavers in the park.