Additional Permit Information


Building Permits:

1. One set of plans prepared by a design professional no larger than 11" x 17" and one electronic copy (CD, thumb drive, or email). 

Design Professional: When it is required that documents be prepared by a registered design professional, the Building Official will require the owner to engage one who shall act as the registered design professional in responsible charge in accordance with IBC 107.3.4

2. Information on construction documents: Construction documents shall be dimensioned and drawn upon suitable material. Construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of applicable building codes, laws, ordinances, and regulations, as determined by the Building Official.

3. Site Architectural Plans showing the proposed structures, parking requirements, drives, and improvements in relation to all lot lines, building setback lines, existing structures, roads, etc. Site Plan should indicate zoning classification of property, location of utilities and connections to city facilities. Grease and link traps are required for all restaurants and clothes cleaning buildings are applicable. The building plans should show the building floor plan, proposed occupancy classification, ingress and egress, construction materials, fire protection system, accessibility, exterior wall envelope, framing details and other features to show compliance with the International Building Code.

4. Structural Plans (for building and foundation): Structural Plans must be certified by a licensed Engineer. Submit a copy of soils report for design of foundation.

5. Drainage Plan: Show the location of all existing and proposed buildings and structures, easements, storm sewers, natural drains, utility lines, and existing ground elevation. Show elevations based on the FEMA Firm datum and indicate the elevation of the 100-year floodplain if applicable. Finished floor elevations of proposed buildings near the floodplain shall be a minimum of one (1) foot vertically above the calculated 100-year high water elevation. Where not in a flood plain, slab shall be one (1) foot above the curb or surrounding natural ground if applicable. Drainage design in accordance with the Montgomery County Drainage Criteria, latest edition. Note: Residential drainage plan not required if in a platted subdivision with an approved drainage plan. Professional engineer not required for residential drainage plan unless the property is in flood plain.

6. Fire Sprinkler System: (if required by Montgomery County Fire Marshals office) Not required for single family residential.

7. Copy of latest deed, survey, and recorded plat (if applicable). Platting is required if the land is to be developed or subdivided or if the land was previously subdivided without compliance with the subdivision ordinance.

8. Plumbing plan in accordance with the International Building Code. Plan shall be prepared by a licensed plumber or a professional engineer where required by code.

9. Electrical plan in accordance with the National Electric Code. Plan shall be prepared by a licensed electrician or a professional engineer where required by code.

10. HVAC/Mechanical plan in accordance with the International Building Code. Plan shall be prepared by a certified design professional or a professional engineer where required by code.

11. A building permit is required for every building or renovation. Separate permits are required after the building permit is issued for the following trades: plumbing, HVAC/Mechanical, electrical, irrigation, and sign.

12. If land is in flood plain, a separate development permit is required prior to application for building permit.

13. Other applicable permits & codes: Subdivision ordinance, utility ordinance, flood ordinance, zoning ordinance, sign ordinance.

14. Approved Construction Documents and Permits shall be retained on site during the period of construction. Building Permits are issued with conditions listed on the permit form including: Construction must commence in 6 months and proceed to completion. If construction does not commence in 6 months or is suspended for more than 6 months, the permit expires.

15. No building permit will be issued unless water and sewer service are available. Separate water and sewer tap applications and fees are required.

16. HUD Code homes submittals shall indicate compliance with HUD Code home ordinance.

17. Other agencies approvals: Where applicable, submit TxDOT Driveway Permit, Texas Accessibility Standards Permit, Stormwater Discharge Permit, and/or other applicable permits by state or federal agencies.

18. A separate tap fee is required for a commercial irrigation system. This tap fee is separate and in addition to the initial water and sewer tap.


All exterior modifications to properties located in the Historic Preservation District, Must be approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission.  Building permit applications must be submitted with drawings, pictures, and exact colors of the project. Once all documents are received, your item will be added to the next available Planning & Zoning Commission meeting agenda for review. Building permit applications for exterior modifications will not be reviewed until Planning & Zoning Commission has approved the project for compliance with the Historic Preservation Ordinance.